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Author: Code Sector
What’s new in this version: Track recording settings HTC Footprints integration More reliable track recording Send track and waypoint files via e-mail, Dropbox, Evernote Options to hide compass cone and zoom buttons HikeBike Map
Whats’s new in this version: Sunrise/sunset now working. Landscape mode [Pro]. Lock compass to bearing [Pro]. OS UK Map, NearMap Australia, OSM Cycle Map.
What’s new: Added: Better USB devices ejection. Added: Option ‘CardReader’ to ini file. Added: Option ‘ForceSameDriveMode’ to ini file. Added: New language strings. Fixed: Crush when testing md5 files. Fixed: Always test target folder and request admin privileges if needed. Specify a device name (e.g. CardReader=Multi-Card reader) to unmount volumes instead of ejecting a card
What’s new: Added: Language files (can be corrected with Poedit). Added: Ejection of source/target removable drives, mounted volumes detection. Download: codesector.com/files/teracopy22beta2.exe
What’s new: Added: Multi-language interface. Added: Prevent system to enter the sleep state. Added: Moving files on the same drive w/o enumerating files. Added: Option to eject removable drives. Added: New browse for folder dialog. Added: Ignore system reparse points. Fixed: Auto-resume all files. Fixed: Windows reported wrong file sizes on Mac drives. Fixed: Moving
What’s new in this version: UTM, OSGB grids Multimap UK OS Map Create/delete KML/GPX files with waypoints Change log: 1.5.1 Fullscreen mode More maps AU cache import fix 1.4.0 Google Hybrid view Cache importing Support for multiple GPX/KML files with waypoints Language setting for Google maps Many other improvements Currently supported maps: Google, Bing, OSM
50% discount available at Bits du Jour (June 8-9): http://www.bitsdujour.com/software/teracopy
Added: Favorites button to Info Panel. Added: Firefox bug workaround. FireFox 3.6 blocks middle button click for unknown reason, but now you can use first button on Info Panel to invoke menu with favorite folders. Download: www.codesector.com/files/dfolders.exe
Added: Multi-monitor support. Added: Run the additional app on finish (eject disk, etc). Fixed: Copy not starting automatically. If you found the ‘Shutdown after copy’ option not very useful, you can specify additional applications. Updated help page with example settings for USB Disk Ejector. Download: codesector.com/files/teracopy.exe