We would like to introduce our new app – SpeedView for Android. It’s an advanced GPS speedometer that uses the phone’s built-in GPS system to show your current and top speed, direction, and distance traveled. Successfully tested using T-Mobile G1, Samsung Galaxy, Motorola Droid, and Nexus One, it’s suitable for running, car driving, biking, or
Added: Multi-monitor support. Added: Run the additional app on finish (eject disk, etc). Fixed: Copy not starting automatically. If you found the ‘Shutdown after copy’ option not very useful, you can specify additional applications. Updated help page with example settings for USB Disk Ejector. Download: codesector.com/files/teracopy.exe
What’s new: Fixed: Error in CRC check of large files when moving. Fixed: Error in waiting processes. Download: codesector.com/files/teracopy.exe 50% discount at Bits du Jour:http://www.bitsdujour.com/software/teracopy
Maverick is #7 in the Travel category. ADC 2 Top 200 Gallery: Travel ADC 2 Overall Winners
What’s new in this version: Multi-touch. Knots and nautical miles. Better integration with Google Earth. Bugfixes. Multi-touch is an over-hyped technology, especially when used in a browser and maps In the Android browser, I’ve changed zoom 2-3 times this year, when the font size was too small. If you think it could be useful
Please test this version, big copy jobs should work better now. Download: http://www.codesector.com/files/teracopy207beta.exe
More info and screenshots: www.codesector.com/maverick.php.
What’s new: Fixed: Copy stops in the middle of operation (#52). Download: codesector.com/files/teracopy206beta.exe
What’s new: Added: Option to use system write cache (#30). Use it for better compatibility with anti-virus systems and ftp-drives. Fixed: Skipping files in move operation (#39). Fixed: Deleting files without CRC test in move operation (#38). Download: http://www.codesector.com/files/teracopy205beta.exe
Version 2 is finally released. Version 2.01: Click on the star or on the empty space to add a favorite folder. This use this window, right click on a file and select “TeraCopy…”.