A new license key recovery system is ready to use and can send you the lost key immediately by email.
Our database contains only hashes of full name and email. A hash value can’t be reversed or decoded to extract any personal information. All entered data will be hashed and compared against the database.
Most licenses are present starting from year 2009. Our principle is to provide lifetime licenses for our software.
<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="1065 http://blog.codesector.com/?p=1065">6 Comments
eraCopy Pro 3 Crack
I just purchased this through BitsDuJour; am I in the database? I have received a receipt from BitsDuJour and Paypal, but I cannot find a license to unlock my software.
mmm same here.
I just received an email with the registration code, so they are taking care of this issue.
i got my key 2 hours after purchase and entered it without any problem. strangely though license key recovery sent me a different key. i don’t know if the 2nd key works as i would have to uninstall and reinstall the program. but why is it not the same key/code?
I just received an email with the registration code, so they are taking care of this issue